When you are selling your home, it is imperative that you spend ample time considering your prospective buyers. Your real estate agent can help you avoid many of the common errors that are made. However, some mistakes will fall through the crack, much to the real estate agent’s dismay. Below are a few of the most crucial home selling mistakes to avoid:
Your Home Smells Bad
When people live somewhere for a long period of time, they become accustomed to the smell. This is why you typically don’t notice your home’s scent until after you’ve been away from it for a while. Odor tends to be a big issue for home sellers, who can be clueless when it comes to how bad their home smells. To be safe, listen to your real estate agent or friend when they say your home could use an air freshener.
Too Much Personality (In Your Home)
We get it. You customized your kitchen with splashes of red and orange paint and love to show it off. Now that you are selling your home though, it’s time to let go. Not all home buyers are going to like all this personality. A simple way to fix this is by repainting or redecorating the inside of your home to make it softer and more neutral.
Turning Down Showings
The less time your home is on the market, the better. Buyers will rarely put a high offer on a house that has been on the market for an extended period of time. Not only that, but you will also attract fewer buyers. When you turn down a home showing, you are eliminating the chance to get your house off the market. Buyers will likely plan on seeing multiple homes on a given day, and if you do not make yourself available, they will explore other options. Therefore, it is recommended to have a flexible schedule while your home is on the market.
Spying on Potential Buyers
With today’s technology, you may feel tempted to spy on your potential buyers using hidden cameras in your home. Even though this would be a good tactic to learn the aspects of your home that buyers like and do not like, it’s a little creepy. Plus, it puts the real estate agent in an awkward position because they may not respond effectively to negative comments from the seller out of fear it could anger you.
Sticking Around During Your Open Houses
Don’t try to run your own open house. Leave it to your real estate agent, who has much more experience and knowledge in this area. Sellers who hang around during their open house will turn away potential buyers because it will likely make them uncomfortable. The best practice is to vacate your home during your open houses, allowing buyers to see your home without you standing over their shoulder.
Lakeside Title Is Here to Serve You!
Lakeside Title provides title insurance and numerous title-related services, all while making sure your transactions and funds are protected and secure. Our processes streamline residential and commercial real estate transactions for lenders, realtors, buyers, and sellers. To learn more, give us a call at 410-992-1070. We look forward to the chance to serve you!